To Seoul Grand Park
Comparing yesterday’s experience to Hongdae, the new route feltshorter and more direct when we came back to RoinHomeGuesthouse late at night. Thus, we made a right turn and took theroute towards Mangwon station. The somewhat cool morning airmade our short walk quite enjoyable.Transferring trains, we finally reached Seoul Grand Park aftermany stops on the subway. I knew it was far when we did theplanning but didn’t know it was soo…ooo far! I began to feelanxious as it was quite late and we would have little time toexplore two parks.
First, we walked along the super long road towards the entrance.I took some nice pictures of Dar-Ling and turned to take shots ofthe flowers. After a few shots, I realised everybody were gone! Ihadn’t finish my Gimbap too and it was with the stroller they hadtaken! We were standing near a Seoul sign, wanting to take aself-timed family pic with the stroller. Vin was preparing thecamera on the stroller and stood above some tiles. I heard some sploosh sound and saw smoke coming out from thetiles under him. I gasped, pointed and shouted but he was stilllooking up at the sky and not moving away. Suddenly, a fountainof water sprouted up from under him and wet his jeans! He wasso frustrated and had to endure the wetness throughout our tour.Fortunately, since it was jeans material, it wasn’t too visible. I feltthey should have placed a barrier over the fountain area! It wastotally off for a long time and people were taking pictures so wedidn’t know.